Communication channels
The Department of Chemistry has a range of channels that are used to disseminate information and communicate with our target groups, both internally and externally.
Internal communication
Below you will find some of our main internal channels and their uses. Internal communication at the department is mainly done through the following channels:
Head of department newsletter
Newsletter from the Head of department to all employees at the Department of Chemistry. Sent out twice per semester. Contains current information about what is going on at the department.
Talking heads IRL - information meeting for employees
During the semesters, our head of department gives information about news and decisions from the department, the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering, LTH, and Lund University. We also receive news and information from the outside world that may be of interest to us who work at the Department of Chemistry.
Talking heads IRL is organised about twice a semester and is for everyone at the department. Invitations are sent to all employees.
In addition to Talking Heads IRL, meetings in various forms are an important internal communication channel. For example, division head meetings (föreståndarträffar), board meetings, management meetings and division meetings.
Internal website (staff pages)
The department's internal website is intended to help and facilitate your work at the department. Here you will find important information, who can help you with different needs and links to more information on Lund University's staff pages.
Department of Chemistry internal website (Department of Chemistry's general internal website)
Kemicentrum’s website
Information for those working at Kemicentrum. For example, our general safety regulations can be found on Kemicentrum’s website.
Mailing lists
The department has centralised mailing lists managed by the Administrative Unit.
Information about our central mailing lists, guidelines and management
The Department of Chemistry has a Sharepoint page for internal documents. Log in with Lucat-ID.
Department of Chemistry sharepoint - login
Information screens at Kemicentrum
Kemicentrum has three digital information screens (at entrances A, B and E). These screens are used to inform students, external visitors and staff about events and activities taking place at Kemicntrum. If you would like to share information via these screens, please contact information [at] kc [dot] lu [dot] se (information[at]kc[dot]lu[dot]se).
The Canvas learning platform is used to disseminate information to doctoral students, students, teachers and supervisors.
KILU day/Department day
KILU day is a joint department day for all employees where current topics in research and education are discussed. Department day is organised once a year.
Introduction meeting for new employees
An introdction meeting for new employees at the department is held approximately once per semester or as needed.
External communication
Below you will find some of our main external channels and their uses.
The Department of Chemistry website
Information about research and education at the Department of Chemistry. The website contains a calendar of events at the department, such as doctoral theses, seminars and lectures.
External website of the Department of Chemistry
Undergraduate education in Chemistry website
Information about our Bachelor and Master programmes in Chemistry within the Faculty of Science. The site is aimed at both prospective and current students.
Undergraduate education in Chemistry website
Research division websites
The websites of our research divsions provide information about the research conducted in each divsion.
On the Department of Chemistry website you will find links to our division websites.
Research division websites -
Research Portal/LUCRIS
In Lund University's research portal we have more static information about our research groups, researchers, projects and infrastructures. The part that is displayed to the public is called the research portal, the part where you log in and enter information is called LUCRIS. The Lunds University Staff pages provides a lot of information about LUCRIS and also what information you can get out of the system. In the same place, there is also a page with manuals and films on how to enter different types of information.
Department of Chemistry page in the Research Portal (external site)
Chemistry at Lund University on Facebook
Popular science, news, researchers/students in the media, events at the Department of Chemistry/Kemicmtrum, communication with the public.
Press release
Do you have interesting new research results? Are you or your research team about to publish an article in a scientific journal? Have you received a grant for new research?
Contact the press officer at the Faculty of Engineering, LTH or the Faculty of Science and discuss a possible press release or a tip to the media. Remember to be out in good time.