Heads of division and center
In consultation with the head of department, the head of division facilitate and promote integration and collaboration within the Department of Chemistry, both in administrative and scientific matters. The head of division have financial and personnel responsibility for their respective units.
Links to contact information on Lund University's website.
Head of division
- Biochemistry and Structural Biology - Tommy Cedervall
- Biophysical Chemistry - Tommy Cedervall
- Center for Analysis and Synthesis - Ulf Ellervik
- Chemical Physics - Donatas Zigmantas
- Computational Chemistry - Jan Forsman
- Physical Chemistry - Joakim Stenhammar
- Pure and Applied Biochemistry - Lieselotte Cloetens
Unit Representatives
- Center for Analysis and Synthesis (CAS) - Ulf Ellervik
- Center for Molecular Protein Science (CMPS) - Tommy Cedervall
- Unit for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry - Emma Sparr